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Essential oil Petitgrain 10 ml

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100% petitgrain essential oil ( lat . Citrus Aurantium ) stimulates the senses and has a positive effect on emotions:

  • soothes, helps with insomnia, antidepressant.

Petitgrain essential oil is obtained by distillation from the leaves and young twigs of the orange tree, from the flowers of which neroli essential oil is also obtained. Petitgrain essential oil has a pleasant, light, fresh floral scent that makes it popular in the perfume industry.

Petitgrain essential oil acts like a natural sedative and helps fight insomnia. Petitgrain essential oil is also a natural antidepressant , helping to improve mental health.

Petitgrain essential oil is a great helper for oily skin , able to reduce excessive sebum production. It is also a gentle yet effective antiseptic. This makes petitgrain essential oil suitable as a natural remedy for acne .

An effective remedy against rapid hair pollution – add a few drops of petitgrain essential oil to water and rinse your hair with it after washing.


  • AROMATIZATION OF ROOM – add 3-5 drops to water in an aroma lamp.
  • EXTERNAL USE – for massage, dilute 1-1.5% of essential oil in adult base oil, i.e. 2-4 drops per 10 ml of base vegetable oil (0.5% for children and adolescents from 6 to 12 years old and 0.2-0.3% for children under 6 years old.
  • BATH – Dilute 3-5 drops in one tablespoon of salt or warm milk/honey.
  • In COSMETIC PRODUCTS – 1-3 drops.

Petitgrain essential oil does not exhibit phototoxicity, unlike other citrus essential oils, i.e. its use is safe even when exposed to sunlight.

Fragrance note: high

Smell: Pleasant, light, fresh floral scent

Petitgrain essential oil pairs well with: orange, geranium, ylang-ylang, bergamot, lemon, sage, rosemary, lavender, jasmine, juniper.

Country of origin: Italy

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